Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A little booger never hurt anybody

Remember being a kid and discovering the fun stuff in your nose? Sure you do. Question..what did you do with the fun stuff? And don't lie and say you used the kleenex. Did you eat it, flick it, or wipe it on something? My kids like to make art with it on the walls. Yes, I'm aware that this is a gross blog :) I'm just tired of scrubbing crusty boogers off the walls, so I thought I'd vent about it here. Lucky you :) I tend to find them right above their beds. Isn't that special.
I remember a while back Paul and I were putting the kids to bed, and Anna was picking her nose. Paul asked her if she needs a tissue. She simply says; "No thanks Daddy, I'll just put it on the wall." Well that's juuuust great.

My kids make nose picking a part of bed time. I'm being honest here. In fact almost every night one or both of them come out of bed to inform us that they have a booger. They keep it safe on their finger for us see it, and grab it. OR it just joins the others on the wall. Oh, and there's always the boogers on the blankee. Fun.

Another Day is my son's world


  1. Oh-my Kimmy, this is too funny! I'm laughing out loud over here! If only boogers were worth their weight in gold....

  2. Your kids are going to murder you when they google their names for a job interview! HAHAHAH!
