Thursday, February 25, 2010


Tonight I made myself a tasty meal. I love bruschetta and asparagus!
So I'm off to a rocky start with my healthy new lifestyle..BUT these things take time. I can say that I'm eating lots of fresh food..and yes, I have eaten some junk here and there. I just need to create "good" habits. I made my kids try a bite of the asparagus..they still hate it. Boo.

My Dinner


  1. ok, how did you do the asparagus because I still haven't cooked mine. ALSO are you cooking two meals? One for kids, one for you? AND ARE YOU HUNGRY?

  2. ur funny JoAnn...Uh okay I like to saute them in a skillet over medium heat for 3-6 min. Put some olive oil in the skillet and drizzle over the asparagus, add garlic (or garlic salt) with pepper. Cooking it this way gives it a crunchy taste which I like better than steaming them. I'm cooking two meals :( and I get hungry at night. Drinking lots of water fills me up after I eat..yay.
